What will happen if mobile internet is banned for a month, will telecom companies give discounts in bills?

Mobile Internet: Nowadays it is the age of smartphones and internet. In today’s era, such a time has come that most of the people of the whole world can forget to fill their stomach i.e. to eat food, but they cannot stop using mobile phone or using internet data.

Phone and internet have become two very important things for people’s daily life. This is the reason that nowadays if for any reason internet services get interrupted or stop even for a short while, people get upset and many people even start feeling restless and nervous.

What happens if the internet goes down?

In the last few weeks and months, internet services have been shut down in many cities of many states of India for various reasons, which has had a great and significant impact on the lives and work of people. In such a situation, the question arises that if the internet service is shut down for the whole month, will the telecom companies give discounts in the bill to the customers. Let us try to find the answer to this question.

What do the rules say?

To know the answer to this question, you have to know and understand this rule of the Indian Telecom Ministry. According to the rules of the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI), telecom companies are bound to give discounts in bills to those customers who face disruption in services. According to the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India, if the internet service is down for more than 24 hours in any area, then customers should get a discount of up to 25%.

What discount will be available?

However, before waiting for the implementation of this rule, it is important to note that the rules of the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) apply only to those cases where services are disrupted due to technical faults or other unforeseen reasons. If the government bans mobile internet service in any area, it will not be considered a service disruption under TRAI rules. This means that in such a situation, telecom companies are not obliged to give discounts in the bill to the customers.

What can customers do?

  • Customers can contact their respective telecom company and lodge a complaint regarding service disruption.
  • Customers can also file a complaint with the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India.
  • Customers can raise their voice through social media platforms like X (old name Twitter), Facebook, Instagram etc. and put pressure on telecom companies.
  • It is also important to note that some telecom companies may give exemptions in certain cases as per their policy, even though they are not bound under TRAI rules.

keep this in mind

Apart from the few rules mentioned above, it is not clear whether telecom companies will give discounts to customers in case the mobile internet service is shut down for the whole month or not, and if they do, under what circumstances. If a customer has any such problem, then he should himself lodge his complaint with the telecom companies and TRAI and demand a proper solution.

Also read: You will be able to send large files even without internet, a very useful feature is coming on WhatsApp

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