what would the world be like if men really vanished from the earth research

What will happen if men disappear from the earth, how much will the world change? Actually, these questions have come up because a big revelation has been made in a study. A study has revealed that the Y chromosome, which determines the male gender, is decreasing rapidly. If this continues, then perhaps one day men will disappear from this world.

According to the study, 1,393 genes have been lost in the last 300 million years, only 45 genes are left. Scientists say that if this trend continues, the Y chromosome may disappear completely within 11 million years, which may raise apprehensions about the future of male offspring (male) and human existence. This means that if male genes are lost, the existence of men on earth may be wiped out and in the coming years, many creatures including humans may be extinct.

This thing is necessary to be born a man
The Y chromosome is important for male development, it contains the SRY gene. This gene triggers the development of male reproductive tissues. Men have XY chromosomes, while women have XX chromosomes. The Y chromosome is needed for the development of the embryo in the uterus. It develops into a male baby.

Will the Y chromosome become extinct in so many years?
Research has shown that in the last 16.6 million years, the Y chromosome has lost a large number of active genes. If this continues, the chromosomes may become extinct in 11 million years. Scientists are worried, some believe that Y chromosomes will always exist, while others say that they will become extinct in a few thousand years. In such a situation, confusion continues about this.

The study says that there is a possibility of a new sex-determining gene developing in humans, but this can be a complex process. Many dangers can also arise from this. Due to different sex-determining genes, many types of humans can be found in different parts of the world. The development of this gene can also affect the fertility of humans and physical and mental development can also be affected.

Also read: Does the height of humans really start decreasing with increasing age? Know what science says

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