WhatsApp Know How To Change Mobile Number Without Losing Data And Other Important Chats In Whatsapp

More than 2 billion people worldwide use WhatsApp every month. This instant messaging app is not only used for personal matters but also for business purposes, even major government updates are also given through this app today. People get many types of facilities in this app. Today, through this article, know how you can change your WhatsApp number without losing chats and data.

Many times people have to change their WhatsApp number for some reason. In such a situation, they start getting worried as to what will happen to their old chats, media files etc. Will she be able to come back or not? But now you do not have to worry because you can change your WhatsApp number without losing any data. Yes, as soon as the phone number is changed, your old information will be transferred to the new number.

As soon as you change your number, the WhatsApp account associated with the old phone number will be deleted and your new number will be visible to everyone in your contacts. That is, you can change your number without losing data.

change mobile number like this

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  • Whichever number you want to add to WhatsApp, first enter that number in your mobile phone. Means that SIM card should be in your mobile phone.
  • Now open WhatsApp and click on the 3 dots appearing on the top right corner. Here go to Settings and go to ‘Account Options’ and then click on changing the phone number.
  • Now here you have to write the old phone number in one place and the new number in the other box. Keep in mind, both the phone numbers should be written in international format.
  • Then click on Next. Here you get the option of notify contact or custom. If you will contact notify then all your contacts will get this information that you have added mobile number
  • has changed. On the other hand, if you choose the custom option, then you have to choose the contacts whom you want to inform that you have changed the phone number.

Note, when you change your mobile number, its information will automatically go to all group chats. Whether you have chosen the option to notify the contact or not. That is, all the groups in which you will be added will get this information that you have changed your mobile number.

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