When a loved one dies, a woman’s finger is cut off; this tradition is very strange

Such strange traditions are still found in some parts of the world, which are not only inhuman but also extremely dangerous. One of these is the tradition of cutting a woman’s finger when someone dies. This tradition is called Ikipalin, which has been going on for centuries.

Here a woman’s finger is chopped off on the death of a loved one

This tradition may sound strange, but a special tribe of Indonesia still follows this tradition . Actually living in IndonesiaDannyIn this tribe, if a family member dies, then the woman of that family has to cut her finger. In such a case, as many members of the family die, that many fingers of the woman’s hand get cut off. . This practice is called Ikipalin (Ikipalin) says.

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How are women’s fingers cut?

According to this tradition, if a member of a woman’s family dies, the upper part of the finger of the woman of the family is cut off . To perform this evil practice, the finger of the women is first tied with a rope, so that the blood circulation in it stops, Then that finger is cut off with an axe. This tradition is still being followed today by considering the pain caused by it to be less than the pain of the death of a family member. .

Government took steps

The tradition of cutting fingers prevalent among the Dani tribe of Indonesia is a painful and inhuman practice. In recent years, the Indonesian government and human rights groups have made efforts to end this practice.. The government has declared this practice illegal and campaigns are being run to make people aware. Although there are many traditions in the world that have been declared illegal, they are still being followed.

Why is cut is finger?

Many reasons are given behind this tradition, Like people of this community believe that by cutting the finger they express their grief towards the dead person and give peace to their soul. Some believe that cutting a finger protects the soul of the dead from evil eyes. It is also considered a symbol of devotion towards the dead person. However, this tradition has no scientific basis, This is just based on superstition.                                                               

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