When and where did humans come to earth? How did they look, how did they evolve, the scientist answered

At some point or the other, you too must have had a question in your mind that when did humans come to earth? Where did you come from? What did they look like, and how did they evolve? What stages did man go through to become modern man? Generally we know that our ancestors were Homo Sapiens. Lived in forests. Used to fill their stomach with flowers, leaves and non-vegetarian food. But now the scientist has explained about it in detail. After reading this you will understand how much time it took for modern humans to evolve.

According to the report of Daily Mail, scientists associated with the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History did a long research about it. Told that the first primitive primate evolved about 550 lakh years ago. You can also call him the first human being on earth. But they were so strange to look at, that if you see them today you would hardly believe that they were once the ancestors of humans. From these, Hominidae was born 150 lakh years ago. Which is also known as gibbon or great ape.

evolution of gibbon to gorilla
According to scientists, gorillas evolved from these gibbons about 7 million years ago. From these chimpanzees were born and later different lineages of humans were born. Scientists have found evidence that ancient humans, who were born about 55 lakh years ago, looked similar to chimpanzees and gorillas. These were called Ardipithecus. After this, 40 lakh years ago, humans who looked like monkeys were born. They did not have larger brains than nearby chimpanzees, but had other human-like characteristics. Australopithecus afarensis lived in Africa 29 to 40 million years ago.

Paranthropus was born 27 lakh years ago
According to scientists, Paranthropus was born 27 lakh years ago, who lived in forests. They had huge jaws for chewing. Most of them ate non-vegetarian food. When they developed further, 26 lakh years ago they made hand axes so that they could hunt animals. It is believed that Homo habilis first appeared in Africa about 23 lakh years ago. And the evolution or origin of the humans we see is believed to be 18 to 19 lakh years ago. Its fossils have also been recorded.

Started burning fire 8 lakh years ago
When humans evolved further, they started burning fire 8 lakh years ago. Used to make stove. From here his brain developed at a rapid pace. Neanderthals first appeared in Asia and Europe 4 lakh years ago and then started spreading across the world from here. The humans we see today evolved in Africa. And about 40,000 years ago, modern humans reached Europe from Africa. That is, you can directly believe that about 17 lakh years ago, modern humans in East Africa started using stones as tools.

Tags: Amazing news, The news has hit the, Weird news

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