When does a diabetic patient need insulin injection, know if it has any side effects

Diabetes Insulin Injection: Diabetes is an incurable disease related to lifestyle and diet. However, it can be controlled by following the correct routine. In this, special care has to be taken of diet. Some diabetic patients require insulin injections. This keeps their sugar level maintained. But do you know how beneficial insulin injection is, when it is needed, and are there any side effects. Know every information related to this here…

What is insulin?
Insulin is a special type of hormone produced in the pancreas. There are many cells in the pancreas, one of which is beta cell. Insulin is produced inside this. According to experts, insulin is a peptide category hormone, which is made from 51 amino acids. Insulin hormone is also called anabolic hormone. This hormone is considered responsible for growth in the body.

What is the function of insulin?
The main function of insulin is to control the sugar level in the body. Whatever we eat gets converted into glucose after digestion. As soon as glucose increases in the body, its beta cells receive the signal. After which insulin distributes this glucose into small cells of the body. This keeps glucose balanced in the body. When glucose reaches the cells the body gets energy.

When is insulin injection required?
Insulin injection is required in two situations. First in insulin resistance and second in insulin deficiency. Insulin resistance means how the insulin produced in the body is working. Insulin deficiency indicates that insufficient amount of insulin is being produced in the body.

Side effects of insulin injection
1. Hypoglycemia may occur, in which blood sugar may decrease. This can happen if you take too much insulin.
2. If the doctor has asked you to eat food after the prescribed time of taking insulin but you do not eat, then the sugar may decrease.
3. If you are eating less than your hunger but are taking enough insulin, then all the glucose in the body is not able to reach it and the sugar level starts falling.
4. Formation of red marks at the site of insulin injection
5. Swelling and itching at the injection site
6. Weight gain
7. Constipation problem
8. Change in skin color

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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