When does snow fall from the sky, what kind of changes are necessary in the weather for this?

Snowfall was seen in New York after about 700 days, whereas in India’s Gulmarg and Shimla, where many tourists go to see snowfall, there was no snowfall at all this year. Recently, a picture of Gulmarg is also going viral on social media, where compared to last year, this year’s picture has been shown and it is being told that last year there was a blanket of snow there, whereas this year there is snow. One piece is missing. So let us know the reason behind this today.

Why does snowfall occur?
During the water cycle, due to the heat of the sun, the water present in seas, lakes, ponds and rivers keeps evaporating continuously. Meaning its evaporation continues. Which later turns into steam. These water papers, being lighter than air, fly towards the sky, which gradually reach the atmosphere and gather and take the form of clouds. 

Sometimes these clouds reach high up in the atmosphere. The temperature of the atmosphere is very low, in simple words the atmosphere is very cold. Due to which the water droplets present in the clouds turn into small snow flakes. The wind is unable to bear the weight of these snow flakes and they start falling downwards in the form of snow. Due to this, snowfall is seen.

When does snow fall from the sky?
Snow falls from the sky when the temperature of the atmosphere is below zero. However, if the conditions are good and the ground temperature is above zero, snowfall can occur, but for that the climate should also be good. 

If we talk about changes in the weather for snowfall, according to meteorologists, this year the weak Western Disturbance is not drawing moisture from the Arabian Sea, hence less snowfall is occurring. This incident is happening this year, it does not happen every year. 

The quantity of water in the rivers will be affected
Meteorologists say that less snowfall will reduce the snow sheets in the mountains which will affect the glaciers. At the same time, the water that comes in mountain rivers like Ganga due to melting of snow in non-monsoon season will not come. In this way, there will be an impact on the quantity of water in the rivers. 

Also read: The cannon made of utensils which every ruler wanted to snatch, its strength was seen in the battle of Panipat.

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