When Is It Right To Eat Sweets After Or Before Meal Know The Correct Answer

Health Tips: We Indians are very fond of food and drink. This is the reason why we have a special style of eating like when we go for dinner in a restaurant or hotel, first we order starter, then it is the turn of main course and finally we reach the desert. It is very important to have a starter or not, and it is not limited to hotels only.

Many people like to eat sweets so much that they eat sweets everyday after meals. But the question is whether it is right to eat sweets after eating food! People have different opinion about this, some people say that sweet should be eaten before eating, while some people have to say that sweet should be eaten after eating. Let us know that eating sweets is right.

When is it right to eat sweets?

First of all, we should avoid eating too much sugar, because it causes problems like obesity, sugar, coronary heart disease. On the other hand, when it comes to whether sweets should be eaten after or before meals, then let us tell you that according to Ayurveda, if you eat sweets before meals, it does not harm your health. This is because sweets take longer to digest and when we eat sweets before meals, it increases the flow of digestive secretions. On the other hand, if you eat sweets after eating food, it slows down digestion. By eating sweets at the beginning of the meal, it activates your tastebuds, so that you can enjoy the food well.

problem of eating sweets after eating

When we eat anything, the digestive fire works in our stomach to digest it. Eating sweets after meals can extinguish this digestive fire. Because of this, the food will not be digested properly and there may be problems of acidity and indigestion. Eating sweets after meals can cause gas in the stomach and cause bloating.

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