When she lost her job, the woman started this work, now earning Rs 2 crore every year, said- wasted 13 years

If you lose your job, it becomes very difficult for everyone. But 40-year-old Sandra James turned disaster into opportunity. When he was removed from the post of financial services manager in 2011, he felt that everything was ruined. Because at that time Sandra was getting a package of Rs 50 lakh. But within some time, she regained her composure and, forgetting her disappointment, moved ahead. Today she is earning Rs 2 crores every year. She says that we wasted 13 years in the job.

According to the report of The Sun, Sandra James, a resident of England, is currently 53 years old. She was working since the age of 22. Was very happy. She had done a lot already. Age was passing rapidly. Meanwhile, in 2011, he lost his job due to recession. Sandra said, I thought this was a very difficult time. But after a few days I realized that this should be taken as a challenge.

I am very fond of animals
Sandra said, I was very fond of animals. I made this passion my business. After thinking for a few days, she became ‘Cat Butler’. The job of a ‘cat butler’ is to look after pet cats. Initially I got some work, but within a few months a lot of demand started coming. After this, in 2015 I opened a centre. Later I came to know that I am not alone in this work. A lot of people are doing it. Doing it well.

leave us with
The earnings of a professional ‘Cat Butler’ are quite good. Many people go on holidays with their families and when they cannot take their cats with them, they leave them with us. Sandra said, initially Rs 300000 had to be invested. There were many types of risks also. But later when the number of customers increased, good earnings started coming in. Currently has around 600,000 followers. Many of these people leave their cats at our place. Now I have opened many franchises. Veterinarian network has also been formed. Now it is earning Rs 2 crore every year. Many people’s families are also dependent on this.

Tags: amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Shocking news

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