When should cough syrup be given to children? Know what experts say

The immunity of children is very weak compared to youth. This is the reason why children fall ill again and again. Due to weak immunity, the child gets cough again and again. With change in weather and pollution, children start coughing. Many people give cough syrup to children when they cough. But have you ever wondered at what age cough syrup should be given to a child? Giving cough syrup at an early age can cause great harm to the child. 

Should the child drink cough syrup or not?

According to health experts, it is absolutely right to give cough syrup to children for cough. This is because phlegm starts accumulating in the child’s chest and is removed by drinking syrup. The child gets immediate relief by drinking cough syrup. Therefore, doctors advise children to drink cough syrup. 

When should cough syrup be given to the child? 

According to health experts. Children whose age is more than one year can comfortably drink cough syrup. But one thing must be kept in mind that which cough syrup is being given. If cough syrup is being given to the child due to cough, allergy or infection, then stay away from throat infection. In such a situation, you should start giving cough syrup to the child. 

Keep these things in mind while giving cough syrup to the child

Syrup to the child While giving, keep in mind that only one component has been used. Multi-component syrups can be harmful for children. Whenever you give syrup to a child, give it only on the doctor’s advice. 

Overdose of cough syrup can cause harm to children. Overdose can cause harm to children in many ways. Children may also have trouble sleeping. Fluctuations can also occur due to stomach ache, excessive sweating, high BP, heart beat. 

Also read: Does the fingers and toes swell in cold? Know what to do and what not to do.

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