when south director asked upasana singh to come to his hotel late at night

when south director asked upasana singh to come to his hotel late at nightwhen south director asked upasana singh to come to his hotel late at night

Upasana Singh News: Actress Upasana Singh is known for her comic timing. The actress has been active in the industry for years and has been entertaining fans with her comedy. She was also seen in Kapil Sharma’s show. Upasana has worked hard to make a name in the industry.

The actress has also faced many problems. Once a South director called her to a hotel for a sitting, due to which she became very angry.

South director made such a demand

In a conversation with E-Times, Upasana had said, ‘I had to let go of films. I will not take names, but there is a director from South who had signed me opposite Anil Kapoor. I told this news to my relatives. The director called me to his hotel for a sitting at night. At that time I was only 17 years old and very naive. I told him that I will come the next day because I did not have the means to travel to the hotel. So he said that he will send a car for me. So he said that don’t you know the meaning of sitting? One has to do sittings to get into the film line.’

Upasana Singh was angry

She further said, ‘I am a Sikhni. I was very angry. How could he say this to me? I scolded him in his office and said – You are of my father’s age. How can you even think like this about me?’ Then I cried a lot. I remember I was walking on the road in Bandra, crying and thinking what those people would think to whom I told that I was going to do a film with Anil Kapoor. Everything got messed up. I did not leave the house for 7 days. My mother encouraged me and said that I did the right thing.’

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