When sunlight is white, why is it called ‘yellow star’, science has a different answer to this.

While many things about space and the universe are surprising, there are many such facts whose reality is something else while their story is something else. One such question has been asked on Quora which attracts attention. A question was asked that when the light coming from the Sun is white then why is it called a yellow star. But its answer completely surprised us because one user said with facts that the Sun is not even a “yellow star”.

Many facts about the Sun are very interesting and one big thing that many people are curious about is what is its color. In the sky it usually appears bright yellow. But the Sun appears in red-orange and its many shades at the time of sunset and sunrise. Not only this, the light coming from the sun appears yellow to us, but in reality it is white light.

In such a situation, the question arises that when the sunlight is white, then why is the Sun called a yellow star. For this we first have to understand sunlight. Actually, sunlight is made up of waves of many colors and the combined color of all is white.

Due to the scattering of light, sunlight or the Sun appears yellow. (Symbolic photo: Shutterstock)

Scattering of light is said to be the reason behind the yellow appearance of our Sun, which means scattering of light. Parts of the light coming from the Sun are of different colors and after passing through the atmosphere, some waves get scattered due to which the Sun and its light appear yellow and the Sun is considered a yellow star.

The reality is that scientists neither call the Sun a white star nor a yellow star. The reason for this is the classification of stars by scientists. They group types of stars based on their surface temperature and associated color. For this reason, the Sun is a G type star which generally appears yellow in colour. That is why many people call the Sun a yellow star.

Tags: Amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Weird news

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