When the elephant fell after the leopard, see what happened to this dreaded hunter, he died while running

Leopard is considered one of the most dangerous predators of the jungle. If an animal comes in front of him, it is difficult to escape. But even this dreaded hunter shies away from going in front of an elephant or a tiger. A video is going viral on social media, in which a leopard falls in front of elephants. Then what the elephant does to him is surprising.

The video has been shared on Youtube from Maasai Sightings account. In this one minute video you can see that a leopard was walking near the bush. Only then an elephant present there felt its smell. The elephant chased him and reached him. Seeing this, the leopard started running. Still the elephant did not agree. ran him. The leopard’s condition worsened while running. Somehow he saved his life by hiding in the bushes.

Elephants can smell from 19 kilometers away
Let us tell you that the ability to smell in elephants is very high. They can detect water sources up to 12 miles i.e. about 19.2 kilometers away just by smelling them. The nostrils of the elephant are located at the end of the trunk and do the work of drawing water for breathing, smelling and filling the mouth. According to experts, elephants feel the smell of animals the fastest. Many times, if they do not get the smell right, then elephants start pressing their trunk in their mouth. This process is called the Flehmann reaction. This increases their capacity.

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If an elephant is scared, its ears stand up
A research published a few days ago showed that Asian elephants make sounds or touch the trunk to give a kind of emotional feeling to the other partner. Not only this, when the elephant is scared, its ears perk up and it makes a loud noise. Through this voice, he also seeks help from other elephants for himself. The video was shared some time ago and has received hundreds of views.

Tags: Bizarre news, OMG News, trending news, Viral news, Weird news

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