Where do migratory birds stop in the middle of a long journey, read interesting facts


The displacement of birds traveling thousands of kilometers on earth in cold and other seasons has always surprised people. Scientists also keep studying all aspects of why and how these birds travel. In the study published in Current Biology, the researchers have discovered a method by which it can be found out where during the migration journey these birds stop, rest, and after regaining their energy, set out again. This will make it easier to conserve the birds. 

Places to stay 

Let us tell you that the issue of annual displacement is only due to a few birds and the weather. Not connected. Millions and billions of birds make their journey according to the Earth’s structure and annual weather changes. In a study led by Fengyi Guo, a PhD student at Princeton University, researchers have worked on a way to capture information about the stops and rest of migratory birds as they travel. Could?

Researchers attempted to find out whether these birds’ roosting areas in North America could be mapped using weather radar imagery technology. Most of the land birds migrate at night and start their journey only after sunset. Weather radar captures this activity, but making sense of the data requires intensive processing. The radar takes information from the atmosphere every six to ten minutes and works to detect the movement of birds starting to fly within a radius of 80 kilometers.

Conservation of birds /p>

Describing the importance of this research, study co-author David Wilkov says that first of all, he has got a true and accurate picture of the places where birds stay in the entire Eastern America. This information is important because it will help identify those areas that need to be protected to protect the migration routes of these birds. So that the birds do not suffer any kind of harm. 

Where do the birds stay?

Research has revealed that these are the hotspots for birds to stay. There are mainly deciduous forests, which also include many deforested areas. These areas are special resting points for many birds every year. Yet bird migration still remains fraught with challenges. Only half of such areas are free from resource use and human interference. An interesting thing is that in the study, differences have been seen in many areas according to the weather. Areas used in autumn are not used in spring but birds then roost elsewhere. Only 17 percent of the areas go this way, where birds rest in both seasons. Researchers say that their numbers are very high in the places where birds stay, hence they need more conservation.




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