Where do the world’s tallest humans live

Tallest People Country: Somewhere very tall people live and somewhere people’s height is shorter than expected, Human height is considered a gift of nature, Although, some things also depend on food and environment., Like in ancient times, due to good food and environment it is said that 20 From 22 used to be of ft, If you even imagine this, you will be astounded., However, in today’s time, even if someone is this tall, it will be very difficult for him to live a long life, In such a situation, do you know in which country the longest living people in the world live and what is their height?,

The tallest people in the world live in this country

In European countries, men are generally taller than in other countries, But the tallest men in the world are from the Netherlands.195 The study carried out across countries revealed that 1996 The average height of men born in 182.54 It is a centimetre, That means the height of every person here is approximately 6 Feet is, You will be surprised to know that 1914 The average height of people here is 169..4 used to be a centimeter, i.e 100 The height of the people here in a year is approximately 13 has increased by a centimetre,

The height of women here is the highest

If we talk about women, Latvian women are the tallest, The study revealed that the average Latvian woman’s height is 170 cm ie 5 Foot 7 is an inch, If we talk about the shortest people in the world, then the women of Guatemala and the men of Timor are the shortest in the world.,

The height of the people of India increased

Talking about India’s neighboring country, the height of people of Pakistan is almost the same, as much as 100 was a year ago, His stature at that time 165.68 was and now 166.96 It is a centimetre, Whereas the height of people in India has increased.. 100 Height of people in our country years ago 161.96 centimetres which has now increased 164.95 Has become. Let us tell you that a significant increase in the height of people has been observed all over the world.

Where 1914 The average height of people in the US 171.08 used to be a centimetre, The same has now increased 177.13 The semi is done, Similarly, the average height in Britain 166.8 used to be a centimetre, But now this 177.49 cm approximately 5 Feet 10 inches have been,

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