Where on earth does most oxygen come from? Trees and plants are not the answer, did you know?

It is very important to have oxygen all over the earth. All living beings on earth inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide to breathe. The ones who help us the most in this process are trees and plants. The reason for this is that unlike us, they take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen. This is the reason why we consider trees, plants and vegetation indispensable for our life.

Oxygen is so important for our lives that without it humans cannot survive even for a few minutes. We understand that the main source of oxygen on earth is trees and plants, but hardly you know that 80 percent of oxygen comes from somewhere else on earth. Many of us do not know this unique secret of science.

Is oxygen available only from trees and plants on earth?
We have read and heard a lot about oxygen, but perhaps we have not been able to understand it that way. Everyone knows this fact that the forests present on the earth provide 28 percent oxygen in the atmosphere. Whereas 2 percent oxygen comes from other sources. The ocean is the source of 50 to 80 percent of the oxygen present in the atmosphere. You would think that the ocean does not breathe, then how would it release oxygen. The answer is that there are many marine plants inside the ocean, which produce more oxygen than the plants on earth.

These small plants are amazing
Phytoplankton, Kelp and Algae Plankton are the marine plants which produce the most oxygen. They produce oxygen through photosynthesis. These are such small plants that millions can be contained in a single drop of water, but they release so many tons of oxygen into the atmosphere that it cannot even be added. The matter of concern is that due to pollution these marine plants are rapidly disappearing, which is scary.

Tags: amazing facts, Bizarre news, science facts

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