Where on Earth is the satellite debris that comes from space kept?

Thousands of satellites are hovering in space above the earth at this time. Have you ever wondered where the satellites that become old or get damaged are kept on earth after being brought from space? Let us tell you about that in this article today.

What happens when a satellite gets damaged?

According to the Space Science report, when a satellite expires or gets damaged, there are two options to remove it. Both these options depend on how far the satellite is from the Earth’s orbit. If the satellite is in high orbit, then scientists send it further into space, so that it goes away from the Earth’s orbit and there is no danger of it falling on Earth. Whereas, if the satellite is in low orbit, then scientists make it land on Earth. But during landing, most of the satellite’s part gets completely destroyed. This is called satellite debris.

Where is the debris kept

There is a special place on earth where satellite debris is kept. It is called Point Nemo. It is so far from human settlements that it is almost impossible for a common man to reach there. This place is also called the center of the ocean. Nemo is a Latin word, which means (where no one lives). Let us tell you, this place is located somewhere between South America, Australia and New Zealand.

Humans did not know about this place earlier. It was discovered about 29 years ago by a Canadian engineer with the help of a special frequency. It is said that this place does not fall within the boundaries of any big country. Any island is about 2688 kilometers away from this place. This is the reason why this place is also called the most deserted place in the world. According to reports, debris of more than a hundred satellites has been collected at this place so far.

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