Which country has 72 seasons Japan has unique 5 day season each with spcial significance


There is a season of five days in this country.
Here too there are four major seasons.
The four seasons are divided into 8 groups of three seasons each.

We are aware that there are four seasons in a year. Well, seasons are divided in different ways in different countries of the world. There are two seasons at the poles. There is a season at the equator, winter and summer. It rains there during the day throughout the year. The rest of the world has winter, summer, spring and autumn. Whereas in India there are seasons of spring, summer, rainy season, autumn, autumn and winter season. But how many maximum seasons can there be in a country? There is a country where there are not four or five but 27 seasons and you will be surprised to know that such a country is none other than Japan. There is mention of 72 seasons in its calendar.

To understand this, one has to understand the method of division of seasons in Japan. Like other countries, there are four major seasons in Japan and each major season is divided into six parts which make up 34 Sekki. Each Sekki is of 15 days. These parts come from a calendar based on the phases of the moon.

This calendar of Japan originally came from Korea. (Symbolic photo: Wikimedia Commons)

Each of the 24 Sekki is divided into three “Ko” making a total of 72 “Ko” i.e. micro seasons. Each is for five days. These 72 seasons reflect the rhythm of Japan’s ecosystem. They are definitely related to some activity of nature.

The four seasons are divided by the days of equal day and night (equinoxes) and the shortest and longest days (solstice). Each season begins with Rissun (beginning of spring), Rikka (beginning of summer), Rissu (beginning of autumn) and Ritto (beginning of winter). Thus there are 8 seasonal points out of 24. The remaining 16 points are affected by weather and agricultural activities. These include rain, snowfall, crop cycle, etc. Every 72 seasons are said to be associated with a special activity.

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