Which country’s women give birth to the most children? One of our neighbours is also in the list

When it comes to the world’s highest population, India’s name comes first. China is second in this list. But do you know which country’s women give birth to the most children in the world.

If you think that the country with the highest population gives birth to the most children, then you are wrong. Let us tell you which country has the highest fertility rate among women in the world.

What does the report say

According to the report of Statista, the figures that came out in the year 2024 showed that there are about 6 such countries in Africa where women give birth to an average of 6 or more children. Even out of the 20 countries in the world where women give birth to the most children, 19 of them are in the African continent itself.

Women who give birth to the most children

Women of Niger give birth to the most children in the world. According to the report of Statista, every woman in Niger gives birth to an average of 7 children. This figure is the highest compared to any country in the world. The biggest thing is that this country is so poor that people here struggle for two meals a day.

Let us tell you, Niger is a landlocked country in West Africa, whose official name is the Republic of Niger. Its total area is 1.27 million square kilometers, making it the largest country in Africa.

On the other hand, if we talk about the border of Niger, it meets seven countries – Libya, Chad, Nigeria, Benin, Burkina Faso, Mali, and Algeria. According to the report of the year 2023, the population of Niger is around 25 million.

India’s neighbor is also in the list

Afghanistan, a neighboring country of India, is also in this list. Afghanistan was at number 15 in the list of top 20 countries. Women here give birth to an average of 4 to 5 children. Let us tell you, the population of Afghanistan is about 4 crore, which includes communities like Pashtun, Tajik, Hazara and Uzbek.

On the other hand, if we talk about the fertility rate in Afghanistan, then in 2023, the total fertility rate of Afghanistan was about 4.55 children per woman. The reason for the high level of fertility rate here is low education rate, lack of women empowerment and traditional family structures.

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