Which is the largest Muslim country in the world you might not even know its name

People following many religions live in all the countries of the world. In many countries, the population of a particular religion is very high. But often when asked where most of the Muslims live, many people name Pakistan. But today we will tell you in which country most of the Muslims live.

People of every religion around the world

People following all religions live all over the world. Most people follow Christianity. After this, Islam and Hinduism are followed. Islam is spread in many countries of the world. According to the 2011 census, the population of Muslims in India was 17 crore and in the whole world it is more than 2 billion.

Indonesia has the largest Muslim population

Most of the followers of Islam live in Indonesia. The number of Muslims here is more than 24 crores. Indonesia is the largest economy of South East Asia. According to the BBC report, many provinces of Indonesia face increasing attacks by Islamic armed groups and demands for independence. After Indonesia, Pakistan comes second. Here the number of Muslims is more than 23 crores. India is at number three. Here too the population of Muslims is more than 21 crores. Bangladesh comes at number four. Here the Muslim population is more than 15 crores. The African country Nigeria comes at number five. More than 11 crore people who follow Islam live here. After this come Egypt (11 crores), Iraq and Turkey. Iraq and Turkey have a Muslim population of about 9-9 crores.

Muslim population is increasing rapidly

For the first time in the history of England, the population of Christians has fallen to less than half of the country’s total population. According to the census data of England and Wales in November last year, the number of Muslims and Hindus has increased. At the same time, the number of people who do not follow any religion has also increased. Here, the Muslim population in 2011 was 4.9 percent (27 lakhs) which has now increased to 6.5 percent (39 lakhs). At the same time, the Muslim population in Spain has increased 10 times in 30 years.

there are no muslims in this country

Let us tell you that there are no Muslims in the world’s smallest country, Vatican City. This European country is the country of the Pope. It is officially the smallest country in the world. You will not find even a single Muslim here. It is a Christian majority country and its President is also the Pope and he is the religious leader of 1.2 billion Christians spread across the world.

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