Which medicine do doctors give to a dengue patient? Be alert if you see these symptoms

Treatment of dengue: As soon as the rainy season comes after summer, the weather changes. The change feels quite pleasant but during this time the terror of mosquitoes increases. Dengue is the most dangerous and fatal disease among the diseases caused by mosquito bites. During this time, the terror of dengue increases a lot, especially in Delhi NCR.

Health experts say that in dengue fever, along with the decrease in platelets, high fever also occurs. In such a situation, people consider it a normal fever and start taking medicines at home. But this is wrong and in such a situation, people’s health becomes worse by taking the wrong medicine. Let us know today how dengue is treated and what medicines doctors give in case of dengue.

Symptoms of dengue fever
The symptoms of dengue are slightly different from common fever. If there is high fever, body ache, vomiting, headache, fatigue, diarrhea along with joint pain, then it can be called dengue fever. If there is only fever and body ache, then the patient can be treated at home. He can be cured by giving medicine prescribed by the doctor. But along with this, the patient’s blood test must be done.

When symptoms of dengue appear, instead of taking medicine for fever, one should immediately contact a doctor. If seen, some people take any kind of painkiller, anti-viral and anti-bacterial medicine when they have fever, due to which platelets start falling even faster and the patient’s condition becomes critical.

Doctors give this medicine to dengue patients
Health experts advise that if the symptoms of dengue are mild and can be treated at home, then paracetamol can be given. Giving this medicine does not affect the platelets of the body. Dengue fever can be controlled only through paracetamol. This medicine has been approved by doctors for the treatment of dengue. Along with paracetamol, you can also sponge the dengue patient with a cloth soaked in cold water to reduce his temperature. If the patient is vomiting, then he should be given electrolyte from time to time so that there is no shortage of water and nutrients in his body.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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