Which musical instrument Ravan plays veena vadak Know how ravanahatha made

Ravana: Whenever Ravana is mentioned, his negative image emerges in our mind, obviously Ravana was a symbol of unrighteousness, he was a sinner. His immoral actions and arrogance became the cause of his downfall. Generally, there is talk of Ravana’s demerits but the unrighteous Ravana also had many qualities.

According to Ramayana, Hanuman ji himself was impressed after seeing the art. Apart from weapons, the great Ravana was also a great artist of music. Do you know which musical instrument Ravana played, it is said that Ravana himself had created a musical instrument, let us know.

What are the qualities of Ravana? (Qualities of Ravana)

It is said that Dashanan (Ravana) had the knowledge of Vedas by heart, besides being powerful, he was knowledgeable about weapons, astrology, architecture and science, divine and illusory powers. It is said that in Treita Yuga, there was no other creature on earth with a sharp intellect equal to him. Ravana also had amazing interest in music.

Which musical instrument did Ravana play? (Ravana plays Veena)

Ravana was very fond of music. Ravana was adept in playing the veena. It is believed that when Ravana used to play veena, even the gods from heaven used to come down to earth to listen to his veena playing. The nymphs were mesmerized and started dancing. Ravana used to play Veena to please Lord Shiva. The picture of Veena is also visible on the flag of Ravana.

Ravana made ‘Ravana Hatha’ instrument (Ravana Made ravanahatha)

According to mythological belief, Ravana had also invented a musical instrument named Ta Ravana Hattha. Which was also called Bela. Ravana hatha is also said to be the ancestor of the violin.

It is very popular in Rajasthan and Gujarat, it is one of the main musical instruments here. According to a popular belief, Ravana had made the strings of Ravana Hatha by cutting the pulse of his hand.

This folk instrument, which looks like a violin, is also seen in connection with Dilruba, Sarangi and Pakhawaj, this instrument got full patronage in the courts of kings. It is believed that Hanuman ji brought India from Sri Lanka.

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