Which side should one sleep on? Know the correct sleeping position otherwise you will become victim of these diseases.

People often like to sleep in the way in which they feel comfortable. But do you know that the way we sleep affects our health a lot. Today we will talk about the benefits of sleeping properly. By sleeping well, you feel energetic the whole day. 

Left side

Pregnant women are often advised to sleep on their left side. This position is very good for patients suffering from heartburn, gastroesophageal reflux or intestinal diseases. 

Right side

According to doctors, heart patients should sleep on their right side. This puts less pressure on their heart. 

On the back

Some people like to sleep on their back. This position can cause sleep apnea. There may be difficulties in breathing. At the same time, this disease also increases the risk of serious diseases like diabetes and obesity. 

On the stomach

People who sleep on their stomach, let them know that sleeping in this manner causes pain in neck and back. It can also cause bending of the spine and wrinkles on the face. 

People who sleep on their stomach should not put a pillow under their neck even by mistake. Rather, people who sleep on their back should definitely place a pillow under their knees. Try to make your bed comfortable and supportive. The most important thing is to have a routine, try to sleep and wake up at a perfect time every night. So that your routine remains intact. Do not take stress before sleeping. Rather, try to take a bath with lukewarm water before sleeping and make a habit of reading a book. Do not use alcohol or caffeine before sleeping. 

Sleeping on the left side is very good for digestion. Sleeping on the right side is good for the heart. This reduces pressure on the heart. If you are a heart patient then you should sleep on your right side, this keeps your heart healthy. Sleeping on this side has a greater effect of gravity on the heart. Pressure on lung tissues is reduced. 

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert. 

Also read: Is the problem of constipation troubling you, or is there some other solution to seeing flowers in the stomach, fix it with these home remedies.

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