which state is hemp cultivated know what things are used for facts

Cannabis (Cannabis sativa) It is a plant which is known for its medicinal properties, Known for its industrial and cultural significance, Cultivation and use of cannabis has a long history in India, It is used in different ways in different states., Although cannabis is cultivated in many parts of India, but especially the answer,It is produced mostly in the eastern states., So let us know in which state of India cannabis is cultivated and in what things it is used,

Cannabis is mainly cultivated in these states

Cannabis cultivation is prevalent in India, especially in the North,occurs in the eastern states,

Himachal State, Himachal Pradesh is the largest producer of cannabis in the country, specially Kinnaur, In Mandi and Kullu districts. Here cannabis is used for traditional and medicinal purposes.

Uttarakhand, Cannabis is traditionally cultivated in Uttarakhand. In the hilly areas here, it is used in local medicinal therapy and also in religious rituals.

Sikkim, In Sikkim, cannabis is cultivated mainly for its traditional use. The climate here is conducive to the cultivation of cannabis.

Arunachal State, Cannabis is also cultivated in Arunachal Pradesh, Which is done for traditional medicine and other uses.

Cannabis is used not only for intoxication but also for these purposes

Medicinal Use, hemp seeds, The leaves and leaf extracts are known to have medicinal properties. It is used in traditional medicine for pain relief., Nausea, And it is used to control anxiety. Apart from this, Cannabis is also used in Ayurvedic medicine, Where it is mixed in various medicines.

Religious And Cultural Use, In India, cannabis is also used in religious and cultural events, especially in Hinduism Use of cannabis during Shivaratri and other pujas,It happens in Archana. It is ,Cannabis, It is also offered in the form of prasad.

Industrial Use, Hemp fiber is used in industrial textiles, Paper And it is used to make biodegradable plastic. Hemp fibers are strong and durable, Due to which they are used in various types of clothing and construction materials.

Food Substance, Hemp seeds are also used in food items. Hemp seeds are roasted or added to food items in powder form., which protein, Vitamins And it is rich in minerals.

Medicinal Oil And product, The oil obtained from hemp seeds is used in medicinal products. This oil is used in skin care and treatment of other health problems.

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