Who are Embryologists? Know what they are experts in

World Embryologist Day 2024 : On July 25, 1978, the first in vitro fertilization (IVF) baby was born at Manchester District Hospital in England. Gynecologist Patrick Steptoe and scientist Robert Edwards found a cure for infertility with the help of medical science.

They got success after 282 failures in 10 years. The first IVF girl was named Louise Brown. Since then, World Embryologist Day is celebrated every year on 25 July. It is believed that today more than 5 lakh test tube births are taking place every year in the world.

What are Embryologists experts in?
The doctors who give birth to a child through IVF and give many couples the joy of becoming parents are called embryologists. These people study sperm, eggs and embryos and find solutions to infertility.

An embryologist is no less than a scientist. They help create viable embryos used in IVF procedures or embryo freezing. The responsibilities of an embryologist also include managing and maintaining the genetic fabric used in creating embryos. They take care of the development of embryos very carefully.

What is IVF?
IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) is also called test tube baby in colloquial language. When a woman is unable to conceive naturally, the embryologist helps her conceive with the help of IVF. IVF or embryology is a process that is completed in several steps. In this, 10-15 eggs of the woman are made and they are fertilized by mixing them with the male’s sperm outside. At the right time, it is transferred to the woman’s uterus. The entire process can take two to three weeks.

Why is the demand for IVF increasing
The demand for IVF has increased in the last few years. The biggest reason for this is bad lifestyle, food habits, low physical activity, alcohol and cigarette habits. Apart from this, the demand has also increased due to awareness. Earlier, people did not want to get treatment for infertility. Many times religion and family-society also came in the way, but now they are coming forward for it.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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