Who trusts AI and robots more? Adults or children? Scientists got a surprising answer in research

Will AI and robots dominate humans in the future? Will they become more intelligent than humans and take control of them and make them slaves? There are many such questions that are asked. But an interesting but scary study has shown that children trust robots and machines more than grown-up humans.

Research published in Computers in Human Behavior has shown that children are more accepting and empathetic when robots make mistakes. The study included 111 children aged three to six years. Researchers wanted to know which source children prefer and trust more, as they receive so much data every day in the offline and online world.

“The question then arises: When faced with contradictory evidence, who do children choose to learn from?” the researchers wrote in their published paper. The children were divided into groups and shown films of humans and robots labeling both new and familiar objects.

It is seen that children trust robots more easily. (Symbolic picture: Unsplash)

The trustworthiness of humans and robots was tested by mislabeling common objects, such as calling a plate a spoon. The researchers did this to assess children’s perception of who to trust more. Children were more interested in asking robots to label new objects and believed their labels were correct.

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Some things were found clear in the study. Children’s thinking is different in terms of trust in robots and technology. It was also seen that older children seemed to trust robots more than younger children. After knowing many such things, the researchers expressed surprise and said that what is it about robots that makes them better, this remains an open question. It is clear that how the citizens of the future will trust modern technology and robots etc. today can work to give direction to humanity’s own future.

Tags: Amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Weird news

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