Why are fireflies disappearing? When did you last see these twinkling stars on earth

The fireflies are fast disappearing. Do you remember when was the last time you saw them? Leave the city, now they have disappeared or are disappearing from our villages too. This is not happening only in India… Rather, fireflies are rapidly disappearing all over the world. This is a serious matter, because we no longer see these beautiful gifts of nature twinkling around us at night.

Some experts say this is because our climate is changing rapidly. And it is not good for the existence of fireflies. You will be surprised to know that the share of fireflies is about 40% of all the insects and moths present in the world. The biggest thing is that they are present on the earth since the time of dinosaurs.

How they glow

Fireflies glow at night because they have a It is a light producing organ. Actually, firefly takes oxygen from special cells and combines it with an element called luciferin in its body. As soon as oxygen and luciferin meet, their reaction produces a light. This light is called bioluminescence. However, the heat in this light is negligible.

Fireflies belong to the Age of Dinosaurs

Fireflies belong to the Lampiridae family of the Coleoptera group. The most surprising thing is that these fireflies are from the era of dinosaurs on earth. There are about 2000 species of fireflies in the whole world. If Antarctica is left, then traces of their presence are found all over the earth. In a country like India, earlier they were found in large quantities, they used to have a different name in every area here. But now these creatures are slowly on the verge of extinction.

Fireflies are a sign of life

These twinkling creatures like stars are a sign of life. Are. If these creatures are living around you, then understand that the environment where you are living is livable. Actually, fireflies are very sensitive to the changing environment. These organisms can survive only where there is no mixture of toxic chemicals in pure environment and water. Even these small creatures can save you from deadly diseases like cancer. In the year 2015, an article was published in Nature Communications. It was said that some Swiss scientists mixed a chemical that helps fireflies glow, and when this mixture was added to a tumor cell, it glowed.

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Humans are becoming their enemies

Trees are being cut down rapidly in the villages, areas where there used to be fields of grass and shrubs They are now being cleaned up fast. This was the house of fireflies. In the year 2018, a report of Ecology and Evolution was published, in which it was told that due to light pollution, fireflies are losing their way, even they are going blind because of it. Actually, dense trees and shrubs protect them from light pollution, but now they are rapidly ending and with this the world of fireflies shining on the earth like stars is ending.

Spring came but fireflies did not come

In the year 2016, a 12-year research report published in Science said that fireflies are at their peak in spring. The reason for this is said to be that there is moisture in the spring, due to which fireflies are seen a lot in this season. But for the last few years, don’t know how many spring came and went, but fireflies were not seen. The coming generations will now only read fireflies in books and watch them through videos. It is a matter of regret that they will not get the happiness that we used to get in childhood… when we used to keep the twinkling fireflies on our palm in the evening and just stare at them with curiosity.

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Small creatures on the verge of extinction

According to a research published in Nature Climate Change, in the coming 50 to 100 years, all the species present on the earth 65 percent of the population of insect kites may become extinct. It was told in this research that all this is happening due to the rapidly changing climate. Thermal stress is increasing due to severe climate change, due to which the population of these insect moths is getting stable and this has increased the risk of their extinction even more. It has even been said in this research that if climate change continues like this in the coming few years, then the predictions of their extinction will intensify.

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