Why Are Prisoners Wear White Dress Only Here Is The Answer

Prisoners Facts: The judiciary sentences the criminals of the society to jail. There are many strict rules for the food and living of the prisoners in the jail. which have to be followed. You must have seen in many films that the clothes are given to the inmates of the jail in the same way. Prisoners in the jail wear white clothes with black stripes on them. It is not that all this happens only in films, in reality also prisoners are given similar dress. After all, what is the reason behind this? Why was this dress chosen for the prisoners? Let’s know.

How did the dress for the prisoners start?

The reason why prisoners were given to wear such clothes is related to history. It is said that the Auburn system was introduced in America in the 18th century. Under which some new rules of living of the jails and the prisoners lodged there were added. Modern jails were started only after this. Under this change, the prisoners were given grey-black colored dress, on which stripes were made.

That’s why such dress is given

According to many reports, if a prisoner escapes from the jail, then having a different jail dress helps in catching him. The logic behind keeping the dress like this is that people from outside do not wear this type of dress. In such a situation, when people see the absconding prisoner, they will inform the police and the prisoner will be caught.

Apart from this, this type of dress is also given to the prisoners, so that they get discipline. The grey-black striped dress is also known as a symbol of shame, so that criminals can repent for their crimes. But, when the matter of human rights of the prisoners was kept, then the matter of symbol of shame was removed.

white heats up less

One of the reasons behind giving white color dress is also told that this color feels less heat. In such a situation, the prisoners do not have much problem in the summer season. In addition, the white color is visible from a distance. In such a situation, if the prisoner ever escapes from the jail, he can be seen from a distance even during the night.

Dress is available when punishment is decided

After this, the dress was changed in the 19th century and black-white dress was given. According to the information, this dress is given only to those prisoners whose punishment is fixed. Apart from this, the detained prisoners wear only common clothes.

There is a different dress code in every country

However, it is not that there is the same dress for prisoners in prisons all over the world. Every country has its own separate dress code for the prisoners. Talking about the prisoners of India, the trend of such dress of the prisoners is going on from the time of the British till today.

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