Why aren’t blueberries actually blue? Why is its inner part of different color, know interesting fact

If after looking at the blueberry you feel that it is blue, then do not be confused. Technically it is not blue. There is actually no blue color on its peel. Instead, there is a coating of natural wax, which when deposited appears somewhat purplish blue. The reason for this has been explained in a study recently published in Science Advances Journal. Let us know.

According to the report, blue color is very rare in nature. It is found in less than one out of 10 plants. This is rare because there is no real blue pigment in nature. If you see this in any fruit or flower then there is a game behind it. Some flowers, like bluebells, appear blue when naturally occurring colors are mixed in a certain way to form different colors. For example, red pigments called anthocyanins are most common in nature. If its acidity is changed then its color changes. Then the game of light begins. Which appears blue to us through reflected light.

natural wax present on peel
The blue color of plants helps attract pollinators like bees. Talking about blueberry, its blue color comes due to the thin layer of natural wax present on its peel. This wax does many types of work. This helps in keeping the blueberries clean, so that the dirt gets trapped inside.

If you remove the wax the color will not be visible
Physicist Rox Middleton of the University of Bristol told PopScience, we realized that there are a lot of colors in nature, but there are also some tricks by which nature makes blue color without colors. When we examined the wax of blueberries, we found that the layer of wax around it is made up of small structures. It works to scatter blue and ultraviolet (UV) light. It absorbs other colors of light and only blue color is visible to us. If you remove this wax then the blue color will not be visible.

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