Why black ice lying on the road is considered more dangerous than normal ice know the reason

Snowfall occurs when the temperature drops in high altitude areas. After which a sheet of snow spreads from roads to forests. Many times the traffic system also gets disrupted due to heavy snowfall. But do you know how dangerous black ice is compared to normal snow? Today we will tell you how dangerous it is to drive on black ice.

white snow

During snowfall, you must have seen white snow falling. After which a sheet of white snow is seen everywhere on roads, fields. However, white snow is not considered as dangerous as black ice. When white snow falls, tourists often like to go to the place where snowfall has occurred.

Black Ice

Black ice is considered more dangerous than white ice. Also, black ice is highly transparent, so it is unlikely that you will be able to see it while driving on the road. When black ice freezes, the roads become very slippery, making driving conditions dangerous and increasing the risk of car accidents. That is why it is advisable not to drive when there is black ice.

How is black ice formed?

After snowfall, when the temperature rises above zero, or the sun comes out during this time, the snow on the ground slowly melts. The road surfaces become wet. If it rains during this time, the roads can also become wet. If the temperature goes below zero again, there is a possibility of black ice forming on paved surfaces due to the snow freezing again. Black ice is also considered dangerous because it is not visible.

Black ice in a glacier

Black ice is also present in Antarctica and Greenland. According to a study, the black ice which is rapidly increasing in size along with white ice in the glaciers is also responsible for the rapid shrinkage of glaciers. Black ice is melting faster than white ice. Therefore, glaciers are shrinking rapidly. Now the question arises that how is this black ice being formed in white deserts of snow. According to the scientists doing the research, as the glaciers are melting due to climate change and global warming, rocks and dust-filled plains are also emerging in these areas.

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