why critical sinusitis need surgery know sinus infection and its symptoms

Sinusitis : It is common to have cold, cough and blocked nose due to changing weather and bacterial infection. But if cold and nasal problems continue for a long time, then it takes the form of sinus. Sinus is also called sinusitis in medical language, in which swelling starts inside the nose. If the nose is constantly blocked or the nose is running, along with this phlegm is being formed, then these can be symptoms of sinus (sinus symptoms).

Let us tell you that sinus problems have become common due to allergies, virus infection and increasing pollution. Along with this, sinus problems also occur due to growth of nasal bone and small hairs in the nose. Let us know when surgery is required in chronic sinus and what can be the disadvantages if surgery is not done.

Sinus and its symptoms
Doctors say that if a person has a cold and cough for more than eight weeks, then it is called chronic sinus. There are four types of sinus. The first is acute virus which is caused by virus infection, fungal infection and bacterial attack. The second is chronic sinus which is caused by prolonged swelling in the nose. The third is deviated sinus in which the nose gets blocked and the patient has difficulty in breathing. The fourth is low sinus, which is actually caused by dust, allergy, animal hair, fine particles and fibers present in the air.

If someone has persistent cold, then this can be a symptom of sinus. Apart from this, headache, fever, yellow substance coming out of the nose, headache, difficulty in breathing, weak smelling power, cough, swelling on the face, change in voice are also its symptoms.

Why is surgery necessary in chronic sinus
After identifying the symptoms of sinus, it is examined which includes tests like CT scan and nasal endoscopy. If the sinus becomes severe, then surgery becomes necessary. If surgery is not done on time for severe sinus, then it can also lead to loss of eyesight.

Health experts say that sinus puts pressure on the optic nerve, which can lead to loss of vision. Nowadays, due to increasing pollution, the number of sinus patients is increasing. If seen, most people ignore the problem of sinus considering it a common cold, due to which it takes a serious form later on.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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