Why do dogs start running behind cars and bikes, know what science says

Why do dogs start running behind cars and bikes, know what science saysWhy do dogs start running behind cars and bikes, know what science says

Many times dogs start running fast behind a car or bike moving on the road. Whereas they do not do anything to the people passing on the road. Dogs sometimes keep chasing a car or bike for a few kilometers. Due to which the bike or car riders passing through the road get disturbed. In such a situation, these questions would often arise in your mind that why does this happen and why do dogs behave like this.

Why do stray dogs chase cars or bikes on the road?
When you are passing a vehicle on the road and stray dogs chase you, you often increase your speed. Are. So that you can get rid of those dogs as soon as possible. You might be feeling very angry at dogs during this time, but have you ever wondered why dogs behave like this. 

Actually, according to science, you are not responsible for this behavior of dogs, rather the tires of your vehicle are their target. In fact, dogs become aggressive due to the smell of other dogs coming from the tires of your vehicle. As you know, dogs have a very strong sense of smell. Dogs catch the smell of other dogs very quickly. 

How to smell the smell in a tyre
You must have often seen dogs urinating on the tires of vehicles. Let us tell you that dogs target the tires or pillars of vehicles to send their scent to other dogs. Then when your car passes through a colony or road, the dogs of that place smell another dog on your tyre. Due to this smell, dogs start running after your car. Actually, dogs do not tolerate dogs from other areas in their area. This is the reason why whenever dogs run behind a vehicle, they smell the smell of a dog from another area coming from the tires of your car."text-align: justify;">This is also a reason
Another reason for dogs running behind a vehicle is that one of their companions has ever been hurt by that vehicle or they have been killed by that vehicle through an accident. Even if a companion has died, they often follow that vehicle.       

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