Why do dreams come at night know What is the truth in dreams

It is very common for any person to dream. Science says that every person in the world dreams while sleeping. But do you know what dreams like seeing someone’s death mean? Today we will tell you why dreams come at night and what is the meaning of dreams.


It is very common for any person to have dreams. But do you know why dreams come and what is the reason behind them? If you ask any person why dreams come, he will not be able to answer it. At the same time, some people also see dreams in a religious way. Like dreaming about someone’s death is considered good. It is also said in villages and cities that the life of the person whose death you dream about increases. However, science says something else about dreams.

Why does this dream come?

According to psychology, every human being dreams. Sometimes the dream is not remembered and sometimes it is remembered. But every human being dreams while sleeping. It is very common for a person to dream. In simple language, understand that dreams are a link between the unconscious and conscious mind. Usually whatever a person does throughout the day, he dreams about the same. Apart from this, it is also common for a person to dream about the things he thinks about the most.

Dreaming of death

Now the question is what does it mean to dream of someone’s death or of someone being bitten by a snake. Let us tell you that dreams have different meanings in rural areas. Common people say that if one dreams of someone dying, that person’s life increases. On the other hand, seeing a snake in a dream means that someone is going to die. But science calls these things illusions.

Regarding dreams, Dr. Anjali Chhabra, a psychiatrist at Mind Temple, said that seeing dreams is a common thing. She said that there is no person on earth who does not dream. She said that it is not right to associate dreams with any event. She said that whatever happens around, a person sees the same in his dreams. Dreaming about dying, a snake or a single person is also a part of this.
Dr. Anjali said that whatever you see and hear and think about in films and in real life, that is what comes in your dreams. Yes, it is true that a person does not remember every dream, a person remembers only a few dreams.

read this also: Dreamgirl broke my heart in my dream and left, know what science says about this dream?

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