Why do humans and some animals have only 5 fingers? What is the secret behind this

Humans have 5 fingers on their hands and feet. Dogs, cats, monkeys, chimpanzees, mammals have 5 fingers on their hands. But do you know why humans and some animals have 5 fingers on their hands? Today we will tell you why humans have 5 fingers on their hands.  

Human fingers

Humans have 5 fingers on both their hands and feet. If you have a pet in your house, you must have noticed that dogs and cats also have 5 fingers on their hands. According to scientists, the Hox gene is responsible for the 5 fingers. Actually, the Hox gene encodes proteins that help control the activity of other genes and start or stop them. Let us tell you that the paws of kangaroos are also similar to our hands. Although the paws of other mammals are somewhat narrow, most mammals have only five fingers.

Who are mammals?

Mammals are a group of mammalian animals that feed milk to their young. They are found all over the world and are of different shapes, colors and sizes. Their unique characteristics distinguish them from other animals. They make them one of the most successful species on earth. Humans, dogs, cats, cows, horses, whales etc. are some examples of mammals.

Charles Darwin’s ‘Theory of Evolution’

You must have read Charles Darwin’s ‘Theory of Evolution’. According to this, humans and animals have evolved and we all have the same ancestors. Darwin believed that every species, whether it is human, plant or animal, is related to each other. According to Darwin, we have evolved over time, and changes have taken place in us according to the need.

Why five fingers?

Now the question is why do mammals have five fingers. Mammals belong to the superclass Tetrapoda, which also includes reptiles, amphibians and birds. Some mammals that do not have legs have five fingers in their skeleton. For example, whales, seals and sea lions have five fingers in their flippers. However, some mammals like horses have only one finger, which is called a hoof. Apart from this, cows and buffaloes also have hooves.

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