Why Do People In China And Many Countries Drink Snake Blood? Know How Dangerous This Is

Snake is considered one of the most poisonous animals in the world. There are many snakes like King Cobra or Krait, whose bite can kill a person instantly. But do you know that in many countries of the world people drink snake blood. They also get bitten by snakes to get drunk. Today we will tell which people of which countries drink snake blood.

In these countries, people drink snake blood. In many countries of the world, people drink snake blood. Let us tell you that snake wine is very famous in many countries like China, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Indonesia. Chinese people believe that snake’s blood has properties that increase sexual potency. Apart from this, it is also good for the skin and keeps it young. The history of treating skin diseases with snakes is centuries old. Let us tell you that its first mention is found in 100 BC. Apart from this, in Indonesia, snake skin was used as a paste to treat serious skin diseases. There, snake blood is included in the army’s diet. Apart from this, snake blood and meat are served to the soldiers.

Drinking snake blood is common among tribes

There has been a tradition of drinking snake blood among many tribes of the world for decades. Whereas tribals living in Latin America and some other parts of the world associate snake blood with bravery. They believe that the one who drinks more blood is braver and stronger.

What does science say?

According to a report by New Scientist, snake blood contains many things like fatty acids, which are considered good for the heart. When scientists transferred the snake’s blood plasma into a rat, its heart was found to be working better and better than before. Although it cannot be said that the plasma transfer method is effective on humans also.

Poison in snake’s blood?

Let us tell you that drinking snake’s blood does not cause death. The reason for this is that there is no poison in the snake’s blood. The snake stores its poison in a special part inside its body, which is called a gland. This gland keeps its blood separate from poison. That is why when a snake bites someone, its gland secretes poison through its teeth and the poison reaches the blood of the bitten person.

Drunk use?

You must have heard many times in the news that snake venom is being used indiscriminately in rave parties. In fact, in many places snake venom is used for intoxication. In recent times, this trend has increased in India also. Wildlife experts say that people taking drugs through cobra or any other poisonous snake touch their lips very lightly on the hand or any other part of the body. To put it in simple language, the amount of poison that the snake releases during its bite is 1000th or much less than the amount of poison that is taken as intoxication during a rave party. However, only very experienced and experts can do this.

use in medicine

Snake venom is also used in many types of medicines. Especially in medicines for diseases like heart attack, cancer and blood disorders, snake venom is used in very balanced and controlled quantities. Doctors say that snake venom is helpful as a blood thinner, that is why such medicines related to heart attack which thin the blood, contain poison in a very balanced quantity.

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