You must have seen this since childhood that whenever you go out somewhere, you say ta-ta to say goodbye to someone. Even small children say ta-ta to their friends or family members while going somewhere. The special thing is that people of every region of India speak ta-ta. Perhaps in your place also people would be saying ta-ta. But, have you ever wondered why people say ta-ta for goodbye and what is the story behind saying ta-ta. Apart from this, a fact is also shared that Ta-Ta’s connection is with breast, so let’s know what is the story behind this fact…
What is the meaning of Ta-Ta?
If we talk about the meaning of ta-ta, then it is a word used in English. It has been told in many dictionaries that according to British English, the word ta-ta means goodbye. Whenever someone says good-bye or parting, goodbye is said and the word ta-ta is used for that.
What is the story of ta-ta?
This word is seen in English in the year 1823. The New York Times used it as a term of fairfail in 1889. But, this word became very popular in 1940. In fact, the word ta-ta was used for TTFN at that time. If you see the full form of TTF, it means Ta-Ta for Now. This word was used in the famous radio show of that time and since then it became common. Again ta-ta was used for good boy.
Ta-ta and breast connection?
Now let’s talk about breast and ta-ta connection about the relevant facts. Although in many American dictionaries this word has been used as breast. It is used for women’s breast and is seen as a vulgar slang.
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