Why do people start speaking another language after drinking alcohol what is the reason for this

You must have seen around you that after drinking alcohol, a person’s confidence increases a lot. Not only this, after drinking alcohol a person tries to talk in many languages ​​including English. But do you know what is the reason behind this? After all, why does a person speak in another language with confidence after drinking alcohol? Today we will tell you the reason behind this.

Drinking alcohol gives you confidence

People’s confidence increases after drinking alcohol. Due to increased confidence, people start speaking in many languages ​​including English. According to a research, if a person takes even a sip of alcohol, then he starts speaking another language or a foreign language fluently. During this period, the person does not know another language very well, but despite that the person speaks that language fluently.

english in india

Most of the people in India do not know English language very well. But you must have seen many times that after drinking alcohol, a person speaks English very fluently and confidently. Not only this, the words which he could not use when he was normal, he can speak easily after drinking alcohol. Do you know the reason behind this?

came to light in research

Researchers from University of Liverpool, Maastricht University and King’s College London conducted research on this topic, which was published in the Research Psychopharmacology Journal. The research found that after drinking alcohol, the second language skills of bilingual people improve. According to the research, it is very important to have alert intellectual ability to speak English or any foreign language. In such a situation, alcohol worsens the intellectual ability even more. But the study has revealed the opposite result. Research revealed that alcohol increases self-confidence many times.

Research has also revealed that alcohol removes social anxiety and restlessness. This is the reason that when we start talking to other people without the influence of these two, our ability to speak another language also increases. After this, when the addiction breaks, the person feels that his second language has improved a lot. He speaks that language well.

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