Why do pirates have blindfolds? Is it just style or any special reason? Hardly anyone would know!

There is a famous Hollywood film, ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’. Johnny Depp is in the lead role in this film, who was in the news recently due to his divorce from his wife. In the film, Johnny has become a pirate. Pirates have also been shown in Indian films. Pirates’ ships (Why Pirates Wear Eye Patches) roam the seas and loot cargo ships and steal their goods. Well, this is not just imagination, pirates are real and their history is also very old. But one thing related to them is quite common, which is shown in films also. That is, one eye of the pirates is always blindfolded. Have you ever wondered why this happens?

Many rumors spread about pirates being blindfolded. In the films, it is shown that one of his eyes is damaged, over which he keeps wearing a bandage (Why cover one eye with patch). At times, they also show that they wear bandages for the sake of fashion. But according to the report of Mental Floss website, Dr. Jim Sheedy, director of the Vision Institute at Oregon Pacific University, while talking to the Wall Street Journal, told why pirates wear bandages.

This bandage is not just for fashion, it is of great use. (Symbolic photo: Canva)

This is why we cover our eyes
According to him, when we go from darkness to light, our eyes adjust very quickly and start seeing everything, but when going from light to darkness, it may take up to 25 minutes for the eyes to adjust. It takes time for the regeneration of photo pigments. Pirates often had to go to the upper levels and below decks of their ships. There is sunlight on the upper floor, but the lower floor is in complete darkness. In such a situation, to adjust the eyes immediately, they keep a bandage on one eye. As soon as he goes down, he turns the bandage on the eye through which he was looking in the sun, and opens the bandaged eye, so that he can see easily in the dark.

There is no evidence to prove the theory
In this way, robbers are able to see easily in darkness and light during robbery or any attack. They don’t have to wait for their eyes to adjust. There is no evidence in history to prove this theory, hence no one can say with confidence that this was the reason why pirates kept their eyes covered. However, in the military manuals of some countries, there is a provision to keep one eye open and the other closed when exposed to bright light.

Tags: Amazing news, trending news, Weird news

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