Why do rain clouds appear black, what is the reason behind this?

When you look at the sky, the clouds that you see everyday are white, but as soon as it is the rainy season and there are clouds in the sky at that time, their color turns black. Now the question arises that what is the reason behind this. Why is it that clouds without rain appear white and clouds with rain appear black? So let’s try to give you this advice through science today.

Why are rain clouds black?

There is a science behind the rain clouds turning black. . In fact, through the process of evaporation, when water evaporates and forms such dense clouds in which the amount of water is very high, due to this the density of these clouds is also very high. Because of which the sunlight cannot pass through the clouds. This is the reason why rain clouds appear black to us from below.

How much water do white clouds contain?

White clouds contain less water than dark clouds. When you see white clouds in the blue sky, then this scene is very attractive. Actually, the story behind the white clouds is that when the small drops of water present in the clouds reflect the light of the sun, then the clouds absorb the white color out of the seven colors. Because of which we see clouds as white.

Now understand how clouds are formed? Must have read too. If you have not read then we will tell you how clouds are formed. Actually, temperature and water vapor play an important role in the process of cloud formation. Due to the increased temperature, when the water vapor rises above the earth and after going there it cools down, then the process of condensation starts due to the cold. That is, through this the vapor changes into water droplets and clouds are formed from these water droplets.

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