Scientific reason behind alarm: You must have often noticed that you wake up five minutes before the alarm rings. Is this a coincidence or is there a scientific reason behind it? In fact, if you wake up five minutes before the alarm rings, then it is not a coincidence, but there is a scientific reason behind it. You will be surprised to know that your body gets ready according to its internal clock. This is called circadian rhythm or body clock. Our body works like a natural clock, which wakes us up or puts us to sleep according to day and night.
Understand the entire process behind this-
You will be surprised to know that this internal clock of the body rotates every 24 hours, and as the time comes closer, our body starts preparing itself. This means that if you have made yourself a habit of waking up at a regular time, the body automatically tries to wake up around the same time. If the alarm is set for 5 am, the body gets ready to wake up around that time, and that is why you wake up at 4:55 am, without the sound of the alarm.
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Apart from this, the human sleep and wake cycle PER (Period) is controlled by a protein, which is part of our body’s internal clock, i.e. circadian rhythm.
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This protein controls various functions of our body according to time, such as sleep, waking time, body temperature and hormonal activities. PER levels vary throughout the day.
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