why does a human body not sink in water after death know facts and science

It is a common belief that when a person drowns, So his body sinks in water. But did you know that in some cases, Even after death, human body continues to float in water, This may be surprising to many people, But there are many scientific reasons behind this. Let us know why this happens,

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Why floating remains Is dead Body,

when a person drowns, so his lungs fill with water, Under normal circumstances there is air in the lungs, which helps the body float, But when the lungs fill with water, So the density of the body becomes greater than that of water and the body sinks.,

Why in some cases the body of the deceased keeps floating in water?,

In some cases, after a person dies, his body remains floating in water., Actually when the body starts rotting, So the bacteria start breaking down the organic substances present in the body. Gases are formed in this process, Which makes the body swell. These gases make the body light and the body starts floating in water., Also if the deceased person was wearing any clothing that blocks the wind, So it can also help the body to float in water, Apart from this, the density of water varies depending on temperature and salinity. In cold and low salinity water the body can swim more easily and the position of the body also decides whether it will sink or float. If the body is standing upright in water, so he can drown more easily, But if the body is tilted or upside down in water, so he can swim,

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That’s why human body does not sink in water after death

The cause of death can also decide whether the body will sink or float., For example, If a person died due to drowning, Then his lungs will fill with water and his body will drown., But if a person has died of a heart attack, So air can remain in his lungs and his body can float., Also, the body sinks more quickly in cold water because the density of the body increases in cold water., Apart from this, the body of fat people floats more easily than the body of thin people.,

What does forensic science say?,

Study of floating or sinking of dead body is very important in forensic science. This helps investigators determine how the death occurred and why the body was thrown into the water.

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