Why does a person get addicted to alcohol what is the science behind it

There are many people around the world who are fond of alcohol. The brands and types of alcohol are different in different countries including India. But one thing is common everywhere, that is alcohol addiction. Yes, you must have often heard around you that some people are addicted to alcohol. Today we will tell you what is alcohol addiction and what is the reason behind it.


Drinking alcohol is a very common thing today. In India, people consume everything from Indian liquor to English liquor. Some people drink occasionally, while some people drink every day, that is, they are addicted to alcohol. Researchers at King’s College London published a study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. According to this research, a gene called RASGRF-2 can affect the pleasure of drinking alcohol in people. This research highlights genetics, brain chemistry and our relationship with alcohol.

Let us tell you that in this study, a lot of attention has been paid to dopamine. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter in the brain associated with pleasure and happiness. When we find something enjoyable, such as eating tasty food or listening to favorite music, the level of dopamine increases. This can give a feeling of relaxation. It increases the habit of things that give pleasure.
In addition, researchers believe that the RASGRF-2 gene may be linked to the way dopamine is released when alcohol is consumed. Their research suggests that people who have this gene may have a greater increase in dopamine after drinking alcohol, which increases the likelihood of getting pleasure.

research revealed

Now the question is how can we know who is addicted to alcohol. Let us tell you that to know the reason behind alcohol addiction, researchers conducted a study involving 663 children aged around 14 years. They asked the children to do such tasks which would activate the ventral striatum of the brain. This part is very important in releasing dopamine. But when the researchers met these children again after two years at the age of 16, the results were shocking.

In fact, young people who had the RASGRF-2 gene showed a habit of drinking alcohol more frequently and easily than those without the gene. However, according to the study’s chief author Professor Gunther Schumann, the influence of many other genes and environment can also play an important role in increasing alcoholism.

death due to drinking alcohol

According to the report of the World Health Organization, in 2019, around 26 lakh people have died due to drinking alcohol worldwide. Out of these, 4.74 lakh deaths have occurred due to heart diseases caused by alcoholism.

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