Why does alcohol attack the liver leaving aside the rest of the body, the doctor told the surprising reason


People who drink alcohol in excess often approach the doctor with liver problems. But have you ever wondered why alcohol attacks only the liver instead of other parts of the body? While talking to the media, a doctor has given some information regarding the liver. Today we will tell you why alcohol attacks the liver. 

Arguments of those who drink alcohol

People who drink alcohol often do many things in their mind. Let’s argue. Some people also say that alcohol melts the extra fat in the stomach. Some thin people say that food gets digested better with alcohol. However, these are all useless reasons. Because alcohol is injurious to health. 

What did the doctor say? 

Director of Delhi-based Liver Hospital Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences Dr. SK Sarin said in a media interview that when a person drinks alcohol, it gets absorbed directly in the stomach. Whereas the rest of the food is digested while passing through the intestines. He said that in this way 90 percent of the alcohol from the stomach goes directly to the liver. In such a situation, due to alcohol entering the liver at such a fast rate, there is additional pressure on the liver. Not only this, his entire system gets spoiled. 

The doctor said that due to this the entire enzyme system of the liver becomes toxic and fat gets accumulated in all the cells. He said that the fat that comes in the liver due to obesity in the body, comes in the liver within a few days after three-four drinks. In this way alcohol itself creates fatty liver. In such a situation, if a person is already obese and his liver is fatty, then his liver is at greater risk. Alcohol has a greater impact on the liver. >

Dr. Sarin also said that drinking alcohol has a double impact on liver fat. He said that if a person has fatty liver, he can recover without medicine after quitting alcohol. He also said that if a fat person drinks alcohol, it causes more harm than a fit person.


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