Why does Jupiter spin very fast? Know the reason

Jupiter is one of the fastest rotating planets after Earth, whose one day will be just is equal to 10 hours. While in circumference it is farther from the earth 11 times bigger. The earth revolves around the sun at a slower speed. , But the question arises that how come there is so much difference in the spin of both the planets present in the solar system? And how does Jupiter rotate so fast?? Let’s find out.

How does Jupiter spin so fast?

This is because of the mass of the planet. Actually likeAs planets condensed from the disk of material around the newborn Sun, They naturally conserved angular momentum. This can be understood as the way an ice skater spins quickly by pulling his arms towards his body, Similarly a protoPlanet Gravitation K Due to the impact it shrinks and rotates rapidly

Let us tell you that all gaseous planets have greater mass, This is why their rotation rate is also fast, Jupiter is the largest planet, That’s why it is also the fastest.

This is the region where major gases such as hydrogen and helium begin to transform into exotic liquid states under extreme pressure and form precursors visible at the surface."s1">-Opposite to westward motion, The entire internal mass of the material appears to rotate in a uniform manner, which makes it seem like a solid body. Jupiter’s massive magnetic field is generated inside this body.

Are there rocks on Jupiter?

However, whether Jupiter has a rocky core or not, No decision has been taken on this yet. This was a big question and the research was sent to the American research agency as well. . Preliminary investigations suggest this may be the case, But it is not easily understood. In a conversation with BBC, French scientist says that it can be quite widespread, may be thin or even partially merged with the inner part

The thickness of Jupiter’s clouds is approximately 30 miles (50 km) It is considered. Below this are hydrogen and helium 13,000 miles (21,000 km) It is a thick layer which changes from gas to liquid as the depth and pressure increases.               

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