Why does the pain of women’s old injuries increase when the cold increases, know what the experts say?

Why does the pain of women’s old injuries increase when the cold increases, know what the experts say?Why does the pain of women’s old injuries increase when the cold increases, know what the experts say?

It is often said that old injuries or wounds heal with time. But one thing that you must have always heard at home or among your relatives from your mother, aunt, uncle, aunt is that this old pain has started again in winter. It may also surprise you how years old pain can come back with increasing cold or blowing wind. Today we will tell you through this article why the pain of old injuries increases due to increase in cold. Although old injuries can heal, already old injuries or joints may suddenly start experiencing pain when the weather turns cold. Here we will help you understand the factors behind growing pains. According to the news published in India TV, our body bears many types of stress. Due to which pain is often felt in muscles and joints. If you have suffered an orthopedic injury due to an accident, the problem may increase during winter. Know the reason behind this.

Due to cold the temperature in the atmosphere starts falling. Due to which the pressure changes, affecting the fluids in your body, especially around your knees and ankles. When it is cold, the barometric air pressure decreases rapidly. Due to this drop in pressure, gases and fluids begin to expand rapidly around the knees and ankles. As these fluids expand, they collect and place uncomfortable pressure on the nerves, causing old injuries to resurface.

Orthopedic injuries increase nerve sensitivity and stress on the nervous system. The drop in temperature acts as a trigger, prompting the body to maintain balance. Due to increased sensitivity, nerves can react rapidly to weather changes, resulting in pain from previous injuries.

 In this situation it is very important to keep the lifestyle active. Exercising every day is essential to rebuild muscle strength. During the winter months, many people avoid physical activity. Thus, lack of movement can lead to stiffness in the joints, muscles and tissues, as well as aggravation of old injuries which can cause discomfort.

Stay warm in cold conditions to encourage proper flow of bodily fluids. Engage in physical activity to prevent stiffness in your joints and muscles. Follow your doctor’s guidance on using painkillers to ease any emerging discomfort. If the pain becomes unbearable, it is important to consult a doctor. Do not ignore the pain and seek medical help in time to improve the quality of life.

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