Why does the temperature start decreasing when we go up, why does it start feeling cold? Know interesting science facts

We can see the sun in the sky, then why does the temperature start decreasing as we go upwards? Why do we feel cold when we go into space? The same question was asked on social media. People answered according to their knowledge. But let us know what science says about this.

According to science, if there is no snow falling from the sky or rain, then as you go up 1,000 feet, the temperature decreases by about 5.4 degrees Fahrenheit. Mathematically speaking, the temperature starts falling by 9.8 degrees Celsius with every kilometer you go up. In case of rain or snowfall, this drop remains only 6 degrees Celsius. Michael Tinnesand, director of the American Chemical Society, explained this.

the air above subsides
According to him, the farther you go from the Earth, the thinner the atmosphere becomes. The heat coming from the Sun always reaches us after colliding with the substances present in the atmosphere. When the atmosphere is thin, there will be no material there which can radiate heat. Second, as we go higher, the Earth’s emissions decrease. Also, the air above becomes thinner, thus reducing the pressure. As the pressure decreases, the air molecules expand further and the temperature decreases. When it is snowing, the molecules expand slowly, due to which the temperature drops gradually.

Towards the womb of the earth…
Exactly the opposite happens when you go towards the womb of the earth. Temperature increases with increasing depth. For this reason, volcanoes also keep coming. For this reason the temperature at the center of the earth is very high. But this temperature is not the same everywhere. At some places it is very much, at some places it is very less. Initially the average rate of temperature rise is 1 degree Celsius for every 32 meters of fall. The deeper the rocks lie, the higher their melting point will be.

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