Why is it dangerous to drink tea all the time? Expert told the right tea time.

 Tea is the most liked beverage all over the world. In India, crores of people spend their morning and evening with tea. But do you know that drinking tea all the time is dangerous. Because drinking tea also has its own time. Today we will tell you the right time to drink tea. 


According to the report of Daily Star News website ‘Mattress Next Day’ Sleep expert and CEO of the company named Martin Seeley said that one should not drink tea all the time. He told that after what time of the day people should not drink tea, because there is a main reason behind it. Martin told that people should not consume tea after 3 o’clock in the day. 

Tea should not be drunk at this time

According to the report According to this, 100 million cups of tea are drunk every day in Britain. Now think about where India’s figures will be then. According to Martin, tea contains the amino acid L-theanine, which relaxes people. However, he also said that drinking drinks that contain caffeine 6 hours before sleeping causes problems in sleeping. For this reason, he said that one should not touch tea after 2 to 3 pm in the day.

According to Martin, tea contains caffeine. Due to which sleep is adversely affected. If someone has problem of not sleeping, then he should pay special attention to this time. However, the question is that if someone is feeling the urge to drink tea after 3 o’clock, what should they do? According to the report of Daily Star, you can drink lavender tea. It does not contain caffeine, it helps in getting good sleep. This also eliminates the problem of anxiety and depression. Apart from this, chamomile tea and valerian tea are also considered very beneficial, which do not disturb sleep and can be drunk after 3 o’clock.

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