Why is it important to carry ORS packets in summer? NDMA is also giving this advice to the people

The temperature starts going up and down very quickly during summer. In such a situation, keep drinking water continuously to keep yourself hydrated. But just drinking water will not suffice; the electrolyte level in the body should be maintained. To maintain the amount of electrolyte in the body, keep drinking water with ORS i.e. oral rehydration salt. Let us know its benefits.

This way, protect yourself from dehydration during the summer season.

Complaint of dehydration means lack of water in the body. If you have symptoms of dehydration in summer, diarrhea, vomiting and body temperature increases. If you are suffering from dehydration then give ORS solution immediately. ORS or oral rehydration salt is very important to avoid dehydration.

It contains elements like potassium, sodium and electrolytes along with glucose. If you mix it in water and drink it, it is very beneficial for the body. ORS should be used in case of diarrhea, cholera or lack of water in children due to dehydration. In case of complaint of dehydration, ORS solution should be given immediately. 

Why is ORS needed in summer

Due to dehydration, there is loss of water in the body. Deficiency, deficiency of salt and glucose starts. To fulfill this deficiency we need liquid. ORS contains small amounts of electrolytes and sugar. Which is good for the stomach. Gas problems also reduce. Therefore, it is advisable to drink ORS during the summer season. 

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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