Why Is It Not Advised To Give An Accident Victim Water?

Accident Victim Water: You read many cases related to accidents in the paper or watch them on TV. Many times you must have seen or heard accidents happening in the house and family. One thing that is often said after an accident is that water should not be given after an accident or a serious injury. In such a situation, a question definitely arises in the mind that why water should not be given after an accident? Today we will answer this question in a little research way, because this question itself is raising many more questions. We will know whether it is just a ‘myth’ or there is a ‘scientific reason’ behind it.

Why do doctors refuse to give water to the people injured in the accident?

According to the doctors, the injured people especially those who are in a completely unconscious state after the accident. Never try to feed them water. What happens by doing this is that water can enter the nostrils from the mouth and can lead to death due to breathlessness.

Drinking water immediately after an accident can cause vomiting and stomach problems.

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We will give you the answer to this question according to Quora. According to Quora users, drinking water immediately after an accident can damage the spine, trachea, intestines and other parts of the body. Can also have a lot of effect on your digestive system. Many times it happens that due to an accident, you get internal injuries. After which if you drink water then you may start vomiting or get upset stomach.

increased risk of pneumonia

You have to be alert even if the victim asks for water immediately after the accident. If you are standing near someone who has just met with an accident, do not give water even by mistake. Because internal buildings can happen when there is an injury. After drinking water, internal infection and death can also occur due to suffocation. Also, the risk of such a person getting pneumonia also increases.

If there is a serious injury in the accident, surgery may be required.

It depends on how much you got hurt in the accident. If a person has suffered a serious injury in an accident and surgery may be required, then it is not right to drink water in such a situation. As a precaution, doctors do not allow drinking water or any kind of juice just before the surgery. This is because if you take more liquid then you can vomit. This can also affect your lungs and can also lead to pneumonia.


Should you drink water immediately after an accident or not? This is not a myth but it is a fact and there are many scientific reasons behind it. Overall, we have come to the conclusion that what kind of ‘accident’ has happened. It depends on whether we have to give water or not. If the accident is minor and you have fallen like this, then you can sit for a while and drink water after one or two hours, but after seeing the doctor. If the accident is serious and you have suffered a terrible injury, then there is absolutely no need to drink water, because it can cause many problems inside the body. Which can later lead to serious illness.

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