Why is Stan at the end of the names of many countries including India and Pakistan Do you know the meaning of this word

There are many countries on earth. The names of all these countries are different and their capitals are also different. But if you have noticed, you must have seen that the names of many countries are similar. The names of many countries end with ‘stan’. Like Pakistan, Hindustan, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, etc. But have you ever wondered what does ‘stan’ mean and which language does this word belong to? Today we will tell you what does ‘stan’ mean and from which language is it taken.


The names of all countries are different. But there are many countries whose names sound similar. Yes, the names of many countries including Pakistan, Hindustan, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan sound similar because they have ‘stan’ at the end. Have you ever wondered what the meaning of this word is?

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The Persian word is ‘stan’

Let us tell you that according to the general knowledge website Britannica, the word Istan or Stan means a place related to a particular thing or a place where people live. This is a Persian word. According to this, Tajikistan means the land of Tajiks, Afghanistan means the land of Afghans. That is why the word Stan has been used before the name. According to the information, later these names became so popular that without any change in the old names, it was named as the country. Was.

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Land in the name of many countries

Not only this, you must have noticed that like ‘Stan’, the word ‘Land’ is included in the names of many countries. In English today, the word ‘Land’ is used for land. Examples of this are England, Netherlands, Switzerland, Thailand, Poland etc.

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Sanskrit Language

Sanskrit language is called the language of the gods. The history of Sanskrit language is centuries old. In such a situation, many times social media users also claim that many Indian users on the Internet claimed that ‘Sthan’ is made from the Sanskrit word ‘Sthan’. Which means place, land, or any place. Although it is true that many words have been taken from Sanskrit language in English and Arabic language. Evidence is also found regarding all these words. But according to the facts, the meaning of stan is land, part of the land.

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